Heatwave Hell, Studio 747, Athens, GR, 2023
September 2023
full-HD video, 09:47 min, color, sound
Out of the Closet/Into the War
Precious Effluent, Gallery Ellipsis, Amsterdam, NL, 2023
July 2023
closed wooden miniature cabinets, open Barbie closet, metal jet fighter on stand,
miniature knight figure, 3D laser engraved resin Twin Towers, TikTok video complilation
using #gaymilitary, color, sound, loop, 06:54 min
132,5 x 23 x 15 cm
Photos: Joeri Bosma
Happy New World
Synthetic Cool, 2DAY2DAY, Amsterdam, NL, 2023
06.05 – 28.05.2023
thermo air-formed PETG, 3D-printed resin,
paint, extruded polystyrene foam balls,
metal screws, video, 49:00 min, color
75 x 52 x 26 cm
Photos: Joeri Bosma
Live Laugh Love
Tteerriibble event, Amsterdam, NL, 2022
3D printed resin, wood, paint
230 x 18 x 18 cm
Photos: Joeri Bosma
A Real Trip from AMS to KBL
Travel Bureau Europa, Bureau Europa, Maastricht, NL
02.09. – 20.11.2022
Ornamenta Transferium, Stadtmuseum Pforzheim, DE
12.05. – 02.10.2022
POST (from) KABUL (︎︎︎︎)
SIGN, Groningen, NL, 2022
Airplane side wall panel, carved wood, painted MDF, acid free tissue paper,
painted clay, LCD screens, LED diodes, sound, full-HD video, 47:39 min
various dimensions
Photos: Joeri Bosma
A Real Trip from AMS to KBL
Ornamenta Preview, EMMA, Pforzheim, DE, 2022
Curated by Jules van den Langenberg, Katharina Wahl, Willem Schenk
Photos: Karolina Sobel
A Real Trip from AMS to KBL (First Class to Third World)
Het Hem, Zaandam, NL, 2021
Airplane window panels, LCD screens, wood, painted MDF, faux leather, carpet,
sound, full-HD video flight, 08:00 hours, video in-flight entertainment, 15:51 min
Photos: Sander van Wettum
A Real Trip from AMS to KBL
Finally Things Are Happening, Maison Descartes, Amsterdam, NL, 2021
Airplane window panels, steel, painted MDF, textile curtains, Afghan rug, LCD screens, sound, full-HD video, 06:30 hours
Photos: Joeri Bosma